John Petrone

John Petrone

Title: Retired Music Educator, Composer

Location: Kirtland, Ohio, United States

John Petrone, Retired Music Educator and Composer, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Military for dedication, achievements, and leadership in music education.

Dr. Petrone attended high school in Youngstown, Ohio and the members of his high school band would usher at the Stambaugh Auditorium, where famous musicians would play and rehearse. That gave Dr. Petrone an opportunity to hear a lot of music for free and he gained inspiration from the music he heard. After high school, Dr. Petrone enlisted in the Air Force and went into special services. During this service, he was performing with a show called “Stars and Khaki and Blue” which toured Korea and Japan. This show further instilled his love of performing and spreading music.

What led Dr. Petrone into teaching was that he loved music and wanted to bring the gratification he received to future generations. He has had students that became teachers themselves and also some that have become bandleaders. In his career, Dr. Petrone was able to pass on what he knows and loves to others. When he was discharged from the service, he decided to stay in the area to connect with his community and he was able to be successful without traveling the country. In his own academic pursuits, Dr. Petrone earned a MusB from Youngstown College in 1958 and then received a MusM from Duquesne University in 1963. In 1982, he received a PhD in music composition from Conservatoire Musique La Lille. Prior to retiring in 2005, he served as taught at Ursuline College.

Dr. Petrone considers the highlight of his career as having the opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall. Another highlight was being involved with a group called the Honor Flight Network, which is a movement for veterans where they take you all free to Washington to view all of the memorials. He had the opportunity to take the tour and he was so honored by the tour that he wrote an anthem for veterans that is published called Proud Veterans. His creative works also include composing “The Flight of Apollo Eleven” 1979; “Augustine,” in 1980; “Mr. Jingeling” in 1981; “Care Bears,” in 1982; the NASA/Higbees Christmas show, in 1983; and the songs “Goin’ Baroque” in 1977; “Haydn Seek” in 1979; “Disco-Tinued” 1979; and “Sprach Whatsisname.”

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